With the new normal facing us head on, businesses must now become dependent on a sustainable digital strategy aimed at amplifying their brand optimally; in fact, this will be the do or die factor that determines our ability to navigate the rough seas ahead, as this unprecedented era has eliminated all channels related to “in-person” events. Such drastic change requires entrepreneurs to dig deeper in their creative pockets and pull out all stops to ensure business sustainability and resilience. Daniel Sun, VP Analyst at global research and advisory firm Gartner argued “companies need to leverage a systematic approach to strengthen the resilience of their current business models to ensure on-going operation during Covid-19.”
According to Google Marketing, five (5) principles are set to guide digital campaigns at this time. The first is context which is critical in helping businesses become more empathetic to the needs of their customers and employees; the second is constant re-assessment of campaigns, creative collaterals as well as marketing guidelines necessary to remain relevant. Thirdly, creative considerations must be reviewed as businesses need to carefully evaluate their messaging including tone, visual imagery, copy, keyboards and media placement.
The fourth principle calls for change in priorities amidst uncertainties; decisions must be made to evaluate marketing budgets and shift priorities towards the things that customers need during this time of crisis. The last principle urges businesses to come together and help each other; businesses must think of creative ways to assist their customers and other stakeholders; re-visit your brand’s digital assets and think of possibilities on how your brand can support advocacy and even increase dissemination of information.